We examine your specific situation and help you make the most clinically efficient and cost-effective decision on how to proceed.

Providing Advanced Imaging Services for 20 Years.

We examine your specific situation and help you make the most clinically efficient and cost-effective decision on how to proceed.

As a partner of Captive Radiology, you can choose to have us handle the day-to-day operation of your imaging service, so that you can focus on your most important needs.

We will manage the project – from concept to completion, from architects to contractors.

We employ a multi-step process for hiring staff to serve each partnership.

We can help you find the proper imaging systems that best suits your needs.

When it comes to obtaining the appropriate radiology accreditation, we cover all the bases.

When the time comes to build or increase your customer base and boost your market share, we can step up to help.

Our Quality Assurance Program ensures the highest quality of clinical procedures and patient services are being provided.