Congratulations to Lindsey, Radiology Technologist at OMNI Orthopaedics, for being our first RAD Award recipient!

Lindsey has been a part of the Captive Team for 10 years. "I really enjoy working for [Captive]," Lindsey said. "The last 10 years have really flown by. I love doing MRI at an orthopedic office, each day is different with a variety scans to keep it interesting. I’m looking forward to the future and many years to come."
Nominated by our Clinical Specialist, Dan Walker, Lindsey has been an asset to the OMNI staff. "OMNI has been a whirlwind for the last 6 months or so," Dan stated. "Everything from changes in site admin/management to a very busy schedule that resulted in adding more scanning hours. These schedule adjustments necessitated shuffling of staff members and their hours which affected all members of the team...Lindsey has been the steadying presence that has kept things running smoothly whenever I haven't been there."
Keep up the great work Lindsey!